Well known fastener and tool manufacture, Senco has handed over the keys and complete ownership of its company to a new Japanese owner. The buyers of Senco are a well-known Japanese company named KYOCERA based out of Kyoto, Japan. The company’s plans are to expand with all the resources that SENCO has to offer. Senco is a prime resource for the Japanese company as it centers most of its marketing and their manufacturing based in the US and Europe. Although the complete owner ship has been handed over to the Japanese the name will remain attached reading: KYOCERA SENCO.
Sencos name has been in the industry from the 1948 and has been a leading supplier and manufacture of fasteners aircraft parts and power tools around the globe. Senco can be found in 40 different countries around the world.
KYOCERA has been leading aircraft fasteners part supplier in the industry more over 40 years but was not always a power tool company. They originally began as a ceramic company when they started in the year in 1959 and gradually began its journey to more powerful products. In the year 1970 the Japanese company began procuring industrial tools which involve applications of different industries such as aerospace parts, medical, woodworking etc.
Prior to the purchase of the American company, KYOCERA purchased another power tool company in the year 2011 from Europe. The European company Unimerco Group became a great addition in a similar way that SENCO has provided all their resources to help expand Kyocera. The addition of the European company created a new subsidiary called KYOCERA UNIMERCO. Unimerco will be able to provide its prolific product line to work hand in hand with Senco. Kyoceras ultimate goal is to become more profitable with it purchasing of the two new companies. The Japanese company has estimated to increase their numbers by 361million US dollars by March 2021.