When you need a new metal roof or wall panel installed, you need a lot of fasteners tools and parts. You need to make sure that you get the right ones as they can make the difference between whether your new installation can last years or not. And one of the most important tools to choose correctly is the fastener.
Choosing the right high-quality fastener can guarantee a resilient and weather-tight attachment that can last years. So, it’s important to know your options in fasteners and know what you need to consider when choosing your fasteners components.
Most fasteners are made from a coated metal, but the materials for the metal and the coating need to be properly considered. Stainless steel screws can still corrode under extreme conditions. And galvanized action between different and incompatible metals can lead to premature failure. Compatibility is important.
Some fasteners are self-drilling and don’t require a pre-drilled hole, which can be alluring to the installer who wants to finish faster. However, they’re not always a good idea because pre-drilling is an important quick inspection that ensures the hole is in the correct location. Self-drillers can also be bad because they can cause the threads of the fastener to not engage properly with the material, thus causing a point of vulnerability.
Washers fasteners help prevent leaks, if they’re installed correctly. If they have kinks, they can become liabilities as they degrade when exposed to UV light. Whether or not to use a washer is up to the installer, however, extra precaution becomes more important.
Fastener profiles are another consideration that’s usually up to the installer’s preference. Flatter screws are more discrete and low profile, but sometimes shoulder screws are more useful.
Thread count and length are important considerations as they are vital to ensuring that the fastener will properly hold the materials together to create a weather-tight structure. Thread count and length should both be based on the thickness of the materials being installed.